Andrew Rothermel

Born and raised in Pennsylvania. After playing sports all my life, I fell in love with lifting weights at the age of 18. After a few years of training myself and becoming obsessed with all things weight training, I went on to get certified through NSCA as a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and began my career as a personal trainer.

In my early 20s I took a chance with my then girlfriend, now wife, and moved to Florida with nothing and nobody except each other. I continued personal training and eventually went back to school at FAU to get my MS in Exercise Science.

Since then, I have competed in multiple powerlifting competitions and continue to love strength training, nutrition, diet, and competitive strength sports since the bug bit me at the age of 18. I continue to learn and educate myself each and every year.

As time has gone on, my wife and I started a family, which has made me understanding training and nutrition in a whole new light. Being a busy parent who still wants to prioritize health and fitness has made me a more well-rounded professional who can help and appreciate people in similar circumstances.